Winter Walking at the Garden
Garden in the Woods is closed to the public until April 2025, but Winter Walking is now open and available to personal members.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
- Reservations are required. Email membership@NativePlantTrust.org or call 774-519-5553 to book your slot. The schedule may change due to inclement weather or during holiday weeks.
- Not a member yet? Join now or give a membership to a friend, and walk together in this serene season in the Garden.
Photo: Hop Brook bridge and walk, Garden in the Woods, Uli Lorimer © Native Plant Trust

Pre-order Your Plants Now!
The ground might be frozen, but it's time to start your garden. Our 2025 plant list is now posted on our Buy Native Plants page, so you can send in pre-orders as of right now, using updated instructions on the page! We will begin sending order confirmations in February.
Browse our revised page to learn how to use the plant list to plan your garden and order plants. Each plant is linked to its growing conditions in our Garden Plant Finder, so you don't have to be an expert to learn where it belongs. We've also added three new plant collections.
Don't wait--it's time to dig in!
Photo: Plant carts at Nasami Farm, spring 2024, Jane Roy Brown © Native Plant Trust

Learn Something This Winter!
When your gardens are tucked under a thick blanket of leaves (or snow), look no farther than our slate of classes and field studies for a winter project. The full lineup is posted on our website, so you can browse classes and enroll directly from the page. Self-paced and other online courses are among the many options you'll find. Register soon!
Photo: Instructor Neela de Zoysa leads a field botany class © Native Plant Trust

Time to Declare Your Love
Not all Valentine's gifts require red ribbons or a fancy box. The most authentic display of affection requires only your heartfelt action. Please, make a donation in honor of your special person today—show them you care by declaring your love of the natural world.
Photo: Seed, Carex sp., Michael Piantedosi © Native Plant Trust

Selected Classes Now Available on Demand
Miss a Zoom class? We are now recording selected online classes and making the recordings available to registered attendees for two weeks after the classes have taken place. Just click the link on the class description page and watch it on demand! These upcoming classes will have a recording available:
Designing Meadows and Naturalized Landscapes
Black Ash Conservation in New England
The Meaning of Gardens
So You Want Less Lawn...
The American Chestnut: History and Restoration
Using Native Plants to Support Northeastern Birds
Powerful Plants in the Garden
Greening Public Spaces: The Green Roof Bus Shelter Project
How to Keep a Wild Garden Tidy
View our full slate of courses here.
Photo: Liza Green © Native Plant Trust

If Not Now, When?
Join Native Plant Trust in time for spring!
- Help create more native plant habitat for pollinators and other wildlife
- Share your passion for the native plants that beautify our world and sustain a healthy environment
- Enjoy members-only events with others who enjoy native plants and the outdoors
- Get discounts on plants, classes, admission to Garden in the Woods, and other good stuff
If you're already a member, check your renewal date to be sure you're on track to enjoy all of these benefits in the 2025 season.
Photo: Visitors to Garden in the Woods © Melissa Blackall/WildLinks