Former Smith College Botanic Garden Director to Lead Native Plant Trust
Welcome letter from our board chair
On behalf of the Board of Native Plant Trust, I am thrilled to introduce Tim Johnson as our new chief executive officer, effective January 29, 2024. Tim will be joining us from Smith College, where he is director of the botanic garden and professor of practice.
Tim’s leadership experience and academic background prepare him well for growing the Native Plant Trust organization to deliver impact in ecological horticulture, conservation, and education. A native of Wisconsin, Tim studied biology and environmental horticulture, earning a bachelor of science in biological sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and earned his PhD in environmental horticulture from the University of Florida.
At the Smith College Botanic Garden, he broadened the integration of the garden and its programs—and awareness among students, alumnae, and the public. He revitalized the organization and expanded the impact of scientific programming and conservation science research. Working with his advisory board, he increased the botanic garden’s fundraising capacity and led strategic planning, including the first comprehensive plan in its 128-year history.
Native Plant Trust thrives because of your support and your interest in our work in horticulture, conservation, and education. Please join me in following—and supporting—what promises to be unprecedented growth in our traditional programs and major initiatives.
Press, please see our media release for more information.
—Bill Huyett, chair, Native Plant Trust Board of Trustees