Native Plant Trust


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Regarding Nature, Artist Talk

Regarding Nature

We are thrilled to introduce our 2024 visiting artist, Cambridge, MA-based mixed-media artist Julie C. Baer. For her project, Regarding Nature, Julie will create new work inspired by the changing forms of plants, algae, fungi, and lichens across their life cycles. She will study naturally occurring arrangements and visual patterns throughout Garden in the Woods. Her work will focus on these discoveries and encourage viewers to see features of a familiar space in fresh and surprising ways.

Baer is a mixed-media nature artist whose work invites viewers to attend to and care for their natural surroundings and for themselves. Her practice involves repeated, close observation of the natural world, including light, movement, color, and shape. She is particularly interested in how nature changes over time, in keeping with the seasonal cycles of budding, blooming, fruiting, seeding, dying, and dormancy. Series such as Arboretum (2023) and Tidepools (2023) surprise viewers by depicting trees and intertidal water bodies from unexpected angles, while Rewilding (2022) records the biodiversity that emerged in Baer’s own urban garden as she planted native plants. In all her work, Baer attends to the interdependence of flora and fauna within ecosystems and to patterns in the natural world. By employing collage and varying the distances from which viewers see the subjects of her paintings, Baer challenges those who encounter them to reexamine, reencounter, and restore the species and habitats impacted by human activity.

Date/time detailsSunday, October 6, 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
LocationGarden in the Woods, Framingham, MA
Program codeART9003
Fee$17 (Members)/$20 (Nonmembers)
InstructorJulie C. Baer



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